Just updated the backend of this site to Joomla 3.4 from 2.5.25 which is no longer supported. Everything looks like it is working but there may be some bugs here and there.
Just upgraded to Joomla 2.5.25. Eventually I will move to Joomla 3.X.X when 2.2.X is end of life, which should be pretty soon.
There's a pretty serious security bug in Joomla 2.5.13 and earlier. Never fear, for I've upgraded to 2.5.14 (and have the latest version of Wordpress as well). It's a timely reminder to always keep your systems updated.
Lots of website maintenance today. I upgraded Joomla to version 2.5 on the backend. I've also fixed the missing Twitter feed (caused by Twitter changing their APIs) as well as the missing Published dates.