Health care reform priorities – Cost or Coverage?

A lot of people who are opposed to the current health care reform bill in Congress believe that it focuses on the wrong priority: instead of working to cover everybody with insurance, as the current bill attempts, more effort should be put into lowering costs first. I agree that lowering health care costs is just… Continue reading Health care reform priorities – Cost or Coverage?

Another Windows 7 woe

I’ve been using Windows 7 now for a couple weeks, and for the most part, it’s working great. However, I recently discovered another problem, and sadly, it doesn’t seem to be one that’s limited to me: problems with sharing a printer with a Mac

Health care and "freedom"

Ask anybody who has had their house foreclosed upon if the government guarantees a place to live. Ask anybody who has lost their job if the government guarantees employment. Ask anybody visiting a food shelf if the government even guarantees a minimum amount of food on the table. In the U.S., the government guarantees next… Continue reading Health care and "freedom"

Post-mortem on election 2009

A lot of people have already commented on the results of yesterday’s closely-watched races, and I pretty much agree with them: the election results are not a referendum on Obama or Democrats by any means, but they should certainly make elected Democrats think long and hard about what they are doing in Congress. If they… Continue reading Post-mortem on election 2009

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Windows Security – why not Run With instead of Run As?

I’ve had a bit more time to see exactly what UAC does in Windows 7, and I’ve decided that Microsoft still isn’t getting this right. UAC, and the "Run As…" command, are a good idea, but I think they are making it needlessly complicated and confusing.

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