These Things I Believe

Aside from the successful mission against bin Laden last weekend, it’s hard to find any positive news in the political sphere these days. Congress is talking about deficits, debt ceilings, inflation, bond vigilantes, and budget cuts. GOP presidential candidates are talking in South Carolina about how we have enough fossil fuels in the U.S. right… Continue reading These Things I Believe

The budget: numbers or values?

At both the state and national level, our elected officials are dealing with budget deficits and how best to handle them. This leads to a lot of numbers thrown about, such as “15% cuts” and “$30 billion versus $38 billion” and the like, along with various stories about who is “winning” or “losing” the debate.… Continue reading The budget: numbers or values?

Job-killing taxes?

“We can’t raise taxes, that will drive away jobs!” Such is the oft-repeated refrain uttered by Republicans at the Capitol. The implication is that it’s a direct correlation: high taxes means fewer jobs. But is that really the case? The statistics seem to say otherwise.

Tax Incidence Update

Minnesota’s latest tax incidence study came out this week (and can be found here). I’ve written about it before, and the trends are pretty much the same as previous studies. Two graphs jump out at me. The first is the overall effective tax rate: It peaked in 1994, and since 2000, has stayed remarkably stable.… Continue reading Tax Incidence Update

Dayton’s budget

Governor Dayton released his budget yesterday. It was essentially the budget that he campaigned on: higher income taxes on the richest 5% of Minnesotans (who aren’t paying their fair share in state taxes in the first place), protections against property taxes increases by not slashing LGA to the bone, more K-12 education spending, and no… Continue reading Dayton’s budget

Opting out of the health care market

Lawsuits have been filed, conflicting court decisions have been handed down, and ultimately, the Supreme Court will decide whether Obama’s health care reform will be constitutional. The main argument proffered by those against the bill is that the law regulates economic inaction, something that opponents claim Congress does not have the power to do. But… Continue reading Opting out of the health care market