After just recently getting the internet back at home, I’m off until next week to Denver. Enjoy the weather!
Author: Nathan Hunstad
New photos: Cats
Now that I have internet again, I added a few pictures of the cats to my online gallery. A couple selections below the break.
Back online
After what seemed like an interminable time (but was in reality a little over a week), I once again have internet access at home. I’ve had issues with Comcast in the past, but this time around the tech came out and did a good job solving problems and getting everything up and running. I’ll finally… Continue reading Back online
On the move…
It’s been a while since I last posted, for a good reason. Over the weekend, Julia and I moved into our new place in Northeast Minneapolis, and at times it was a comedy of errors. Friday consisted of me banging my head on low ceiling in the basement, taking a flying bungee cord to the… Continue reading On the move…
Computer Utility: CutePDF Writer
I hate PDF files for many reasons, but there are times when creating a PDF is useful, such as when you want to have an electronic copy of a document instead of printing out a paper copy. Many programs these days now come with integrated PDF converters, such as Open Office and even Microsoft Office,… Continue reading Computer Utility: CutePDF Writer
Health care: Beware of compromise
In recent days, there seems to be a crescendo in the commentary from people warning the Obama administration and Congress about being too quick to compromise to get some kind of grand “bipartisan” health care reform that will attract Republican votes. This view is dead-on. While there are some things that must be compromised on,… Continue reading Health care: Beware of compromise
Health care: What Nate Silver says
Too tired to write a full post about health care, so just read what Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight says. The comments are a good, if ridiculous, read too. People still don’t seem to get that health care is not a free market. Nate hits all the salient points, but people still don’t get that unlike… Continue reading Health care: What Nate Silver says
Health care: reform requires a public option
In my last post, I talked about how health care is not a free market. In this post, I get into the “public option” in the health care reform debate: the government health insurance plan that will exist alongside current private insurance products, giving people another option when getting insurance. It is no exaggeration to… Continue reading Health care: reform requires a public option
Computer utility: Notepad++
There’s always a need for a good, simple text editor when you need to edit text files or make up a simple document (a blog post, perhaps?). Windows comes with Notepad, but that’s about as bare-bones as you can get. A much more powerful, yet still free, alternative is Notepad++. It’s especially useful for programmers,… Continue reading Computer utility: Notepad++
Health care: it’s not a free market
Health care reform is one of the hottest topics around Washington these days, because it is such a critical issue. That the health care system in the U.S. is broken few people doubt. There are around 50 million uninsured people in this country, we pay far, far more per capita than any other industrialized country… Continue reading Health care: it’s not a free market